Our Services
Our mission is to provide clients with the information and resources they need to make informed decisions about complex office real estate issues. The modular structure of our service catalog allows us to perfectly match our offer to your needs. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our services. See which ones you will need in the upcoming process.
Market analysis
Finding and comparing offers
Lease strategy
Financial analyses
Lease terms
Fit-out standard
Stay vs. go analysis
Securing contract terms and conditions
Workplace Solutions workshops
Space plan
Interior design
Furniture selection
Arrangement cost audits
Project Management
Design and build
Consulting care
Trusted service providers
Service Charge Audit
Jesteśmy właścicielami portalu OfficeList.pl
Największa baza
Jako jedyny portal posiadamy w ofercie wszystkie budynki biurowe w Polsce
5000 ofert
To o 20% więcej
niż w konkurencyjnych portalach
Zawsze aktualne oferty
Nasi ludzie stale monitorują sytuację na rynku i aktualizują oferty,
dzięki czemu mamy dla Ciebie tylko aktualne propozycje
We are the owners
of the portal OfficeList.pl
The largest base
We are the only portal that offers all office buildings in Poland
5000 offers
That's 20% more than on competing portals
Always up-to-date offers
Our people are constantly monitoring the market situation and update offers, so that we have for you only current proposals